Women I Needed to See Growing Up: Rev. Lauren Dunkle Dancey

I needed to see a woman like Rev. Lauren Dunkle Dancey when I was growing up. Lauren is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. She specifically feels called to social justice ministry with at-risk children and families, and to be an extension of the healing ministry of Christ in their lives. Lauren shows others that they have purpose and can change the world for the better with their lives. She is an outspoken activist who attends rallies and speaks up for others. Her ability to stand with those in need without judgement is truly the work of God. She is a champion for foster care, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ+ inclusion in the United Methodist Church and the universal church. She leads by example and her example is love with action. When I was growing up I had a very strained relation with the church and never felt I fit in. It always appeared more about reciting words in a text than walking in the path of Christ. I felt judged, not embraced, and the way I wanted to make a difference was never the ‘right’ way. Lauren became a breathe of fresh air in my life. She showed me that not all churches or pastors are the same. Maybe if I had felt her kind of unconditional love growing up my relationship with organized religion wouldn't be so strained. I needed to see a woman like Rev. Lauren Dunkle Dancey when I was growing up. Who did you need to see?

Rev. Lauren Dunkle Dancey Katherine Young