Twenty-Some Things I Learned In My Twenty-Somethings: #1

I turn 30 this year. *sigh* I learned many things in my twenties through experience. Some good, some bad, some game-changers, and some the light bulb just all of a sudden turned on even though I had been given the information a thousand times before. This topic is going to be continually revisited until I turn 30 using a bit of creativity to display my thoughts with art and design. Feel free to comment. You may not agree with everything but I hope something in these posts will give you inspiration.

Write your own definition of success.

We craft how we want others to perceive us. We all want to be seen as successful. Growing up in the conservative midwest, there was a classic image of success that was socially accepted.

Get married in your early twenties.
Have children.
Buy a house.
Repeat if needed.

I didn't fit this mold. I couldn't figure out why I felt successful on the inside and yet felt like the world didn't see the success. That all changed this past year when I had the chance to hear Robert Stephens speak. Robert is the founder of the Geek Squad and all around total bad@$$ at life. He talked about when he felt he had 'made it' in life. He had 'made it' when he attended a conference with George Lucas as an attendee.

That was his standard of success.

I was 27 years old when I sat in the same room with George Lucas, at his event, while he held something I designed. Listening to Robert was when I realized I can write my own definition of success.

This is the creative I designed for the Last Tour to Endor.

The Last Tour to Endor was the public shut down event of the ride at Walt Disney World before it was reImagined as a whole new experience.

This is George Lucas at the Last Tour to Endor.

My definition for success is as follows:
Success is using my creativity to support industries and causes I have a passion for. What do you think Steven Tyler's definition is?

UPDATE (7/27/14) It has become apparent I won't be done with this by the time I am 30. But fear not! I won't stop till I finish the original list of items I wish to post on this topic!